Diagnostic Message Definitions
Are you seeing one of these messages and don’t know what they mean? Below is a brief description of what you may be experiencing.
“anti pollution fault”
What it means: Generic message for an engine management fault relating to emissons.
Recommended Action: Vehicle will need to be put on diagnostic equipment to recover fault codes.
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“depollution fault”
What it means: Generic message for an engine management fault relating to emmissons, genrally on diesels.
Recommended Action: Vehicle will need to be put on diagnostic equipment to recover fault codes
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“unblock diesel filter”
What it means: A fault that suggests a blocked diesel fuel filter but actually relates to the Diesel particulate filter (DPF or FAP System) in the exhaust getting blocked. This can sometimes be rectified by a regeneration or by using on a long journey at motorway speeds. In some case this filter will need to be replaced if it cannot be recovered. This can cause the car to lose power or go into ‘limp home’ mode.
Recommended Action: Try a fast motorway run of 15 miles to help clear the filter. Avoid short journeys.
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“immobiliser fault”
What it means: This can sometimes be as little as a poorly performing battery or key fault.
Recommended Action: A Diagnostic test may be required if a battery change or a second key doesn’t fix the problem.
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“engine auto diagnosis”
What it means: Generally caused by the engine not running correctly, possibly a misfire or engine fault. The electronic emmissons tell tale system will pick this up and make you aware of a fault.
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“particle filter blockage risk”
What it means: A fault that suggests a blocked diesel fuel filter but actually relates to the Diesel particulate filter (DPF or FAP System) in the exhaust getting blocked. This can sometimes be rectified by a regeneration or by using on a long journey at motorway speeds. In some case this filter will need to be replaced if it cannot be recovered. This can cause the car to lose power or go into ‘limp home’ mode.
Recommended Action: Try a fast motorway run of 15 miles to help clear the filter. Avoid short journeys.
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“diesel additive minimum level”
Your Citroen or Peugeot is equipped with a special fluid that is added to the fuel and aids the burning of the particulates (soot/carbon) in the exhaust (DPF/FAP filter) to keep it from blocking. This message is displayed if the Eolys fluid is running out or the additive system is faulty. This can cause the car to lose power or go into ‘limp home’ mode.
Recommended Action: Eolys fluid system will need to be refilled and reset, better to do this sooner rather than later to avoid damage to particle filter (DPF).
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